Los Nr. 7 - Jacob Bos (attivo 1549-1580) - HERCULES FARNESE

Jacob Bos (attivo 1549-1580)
280,00 EUR


geschl. Auktion


Jacob Bos (attivo 1549-1580)

The engraving reproduces the statue of Hercules in a niche. The sculpture was found in the Baths of Caracalla and made part of the Farnese collections, later inherited by the Bourbons of Naples and now kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. The inscription "Glykon / Athenaios / epoiei" is engraved at the base of the club in Greek, while the signature of the engraver "Iacobus Bossius Belga incidit" at the bottom right on the base of the pedestal. Immediately below the inscription: "Omnium elegantissimum Herculis signum Gliconis Atheniensis peritissimi artificis manu fabre factum. Quod Paulo III Pont. max. in / thermarum Antoniniarum ruderibus inventum, et in domus Farnesianae ad campum Florae interior porticu locatum Ant. Lafrerius / Sequanus aeneis formis diligenter expressit Year MDLXII ".
engraving, 450x340mm
Beautiful copy, glued on cardboard.

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