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Lot 181 - AUSTRIA1WW plane canvas

AUSTRIA1WW plane canvas
500,00/600,00 €
381,00 EUR


Lot status:
Auction closed


1WW plane canvas

Suggestive relic of the First World War, a shred of canvas of a WING OF AUSTRIAN HYDROPLAN "L. S 71" - CAPTURED IN ANCONA ON 3 APRIL 1916 as per note written in black ink on the same portion of the canvas. The seaplane in question was a LOHNER class S of Austrian production, reconnaissance and bombing, single-engine, used by the K.u.K. Kriegsmarine or the Autro-Hungarian Navy. Together we have some fire arrows against planes, used in 1915-18, always collected in the Marche region
Measurements of the canvas fragment approx. 26x15 cm

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