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Лот 157 - Alejandro Granda Relayza (Callao 1898 - Lima 1962)

Alejandro Granda Relayza (Callao 1898 - Lima 1962)


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Alejandro Granda Relayza (Callao 1898 - Lima 1962)

In 1917 he is employed as a fourth engineer officer at the "Merchant Marine of Peru". Alejandro often she is singing on the ship, so as to attract the attention of the captain Manuel Torrico. And mean the possibilities, Torrico made him known the illustrious pianist and composer Peruvian Rosa Mercedes Ayarza de Morales (1881-1969), whose intercession, the then President of the Republic of Chile Augusto B. Leguia, have made a generous grant to the young Alejandro state study, which allowed him to make her singing studies in Italy. On October 7, 1924 Alejandro participates in a concert organized by Mrs. Rosa Mercedes Ayarza, Teatro Forero (now Municipal) to Lima, which ended with a triumphant success. On the same day of his departure for Italy (November 18) Alejandro, will hold a second concert at the Teatro Ideal of his hometown. The concert took place at eleven o'clock in the morning, as the ship was leaving Italy that night. On 20 February 1927 he made his debut with the stage name Alessandro Granda, at the Teatro Sociale di Como as Osaka in Iris by Pietro Mascagni, alongside Dora De Giovanni (Iris), Ilio Del Chiaro (Kyoto) and low Nino Marotta (The blind), director Giacomo Armani. The growing success allows him to sign an important contract that will take him to sing about sixty performances in Italy and twenty-five on tour in Germany, in the city of Leipzig, Hamburg, Bremen, Monaco, Baden-Baden, Wroclaw, etc. Except for the detection of certain traces of a couple of gigs, and could not find other news, they can integrate history with these performances made in Germany. Portrait of the artist's autograph.
Excellent condition
Photo card
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