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Лот 166 - Alfred Piccaver (Long Sutton 1884 - Vienna 1958)

Alfred Piccaver (Long Sutton 1884 - Vienna 1958)


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Alfred Piccaver (Long Sutton 1884 - Vienna 1958)

He played most of his operatic activities in Vienna, where he worked as the first content for over 25 years and where he was counted among the heroes of opera fans and the Austrian capital's authorities. He was an interpreter in the leading role mainly in works of Giacomo Puccini and Giuseppe Verdi; also worked in operas by Flotow, Gounod, Mozart, Otto Nicolai, Wagner, Puccini ecc.Era considered by Rodolfo ideal for its Bohème and her voice was considered one of the most beautiful of his era, as to be nicknamed "the Caruso Prague. " photo Portrait of content autographed dated 1957.
Excellent condition
Photo card
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